Mushroom & Swiss Patty Melt with Cheese

This sounds a bit decadent and it looks that way as well. There is a lot going on so you can skip the bun, without missing it.
I found this recipe on Whole Food's web site. ( modified it since the original was just for a single serving )

    Mushroom & Swiss Patty Melt with Cheese

        1 pound ground turkey, formed into 4 patties
        Salt and ground black pepper to taste 
        1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil 
        1/2 med onion, sliced 
        1 8oz pkg white mushrooms, sliced 
        1 cup frozen green peas 
        4 slices of Swiss Cheese 
          Lightly season patty with salt and pepper.

          Heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat; add patty and cook until golden brown on the first side, about 3 to 4 minutes. Flip patty, move to one side of skillet.

          Add onions, mushrooms, salt and pepper to cleared side of skillet and cook until softened and golden brown, about 5 minutes. Add peas and cook for 1 minute more, checking to ensure patty is cooked through.

          Sprinkle patty with cheese and transfer to a plate. Spoon hot mushroom mixture on top and serve.

          Serving Size: makes 4 servings

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